Saturday, May 4, 2013

Homemade Owl Piñata

My daughter's 1st birthday theme was "Look Whoo's 1!" It was a girly owl theme, but I couldn't find an owl Piñata that was what I wanted and affordable. So I decided to make it. Here is what I did. *Start a week in advance to your event, to insure it dries completely. *
Balloon, newspaper,glue, water, black crêpe paper, construction paper, glitter and a needle. 
Cut newspaper into about 2 in. Strips. Make plenty.
Blow up the balloon to the desired size of the owl.
In a large bowl mix blue and water, make it runny but still sticky.
Dip a strip of newspaper one by one and run your fingers through it to take off the excess glue mix. Then place it on the balloon. Cover the entire surface with two layers.
Tie a string to the tied off end of the balloon and hang in a well ventilated area. Best if you hang outside.
Next day repeat the covering strips again. Place two more layers. Depending on how thick you want it you can repeat again and again.
When it is totally dry, really check! Make a small hole in the balloon and let the air out slowly, it the form starts to collapse, it is not dry enough. Form it back and slowly continue. Let it dry.
Start covering the entire surface with the crepe paper. Then cut construction paper in the shape of wings, eyes, beak, bow, feet, and ears. Make a lot of little circles for feathers, decorate the 'feathers' with the glitter, Place them in the middle of the body and glue the rest of the parts on.
On the back, carefully cut a slot for the candy and treats. And a two way opening for the rope to hang from.
Hang to dry then fill with candy.

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